Thursday, December 26, 2013


Casa de Fe Year End 2013 from Asia on Vimeo.

BIG THANKS to everyone who supports us and Casa de Fe via donations, prayers, and encouragement. 

Merry Christmas and a happy new year from all of us here on the edge of the Amazon!!

Monday, August 12, 2013

R&R Crazy Perk #2: Digital Postcard

Take a look at our AWESOME DIGITAL POSTCARD, just one of our crazy perks for last year's supporters.  To see this year's perks, check out the link below.

Here are this year's crazy perks, just to show we care!

Monday, July 29, 2013

R&R Crazy Perk #1 - Many Thanks!

A great big THANK YOU to all of our financial supporters for the 2012-2013 school year:

(We've only used first names to protect privacy.)

Renee, Paul, Charles & Dominica, Amy, Jonathan & Allane, Grace, Tim & Debbie, Keith, Patty, Gary, Kara, Nora, Russ, Sandy & Al, Gladdie, Sy & Renessa, Betty & Jim, Ann, Michael & Family, Don & Melodie, Rick, Bob & Peggy, William & Peggy, Ching Sui, Lisa, Rob & Julie, DJ, Matt & Liz, Kimberly, Mike & Family, Vic & Jan, Ron, Scott & Emily, Adelina, Jay & Debbie, Jonathan, Mark & Gabie, Amy, Sam & Emily, Melissa, John & Marylou, Jim, Grace Bible Church of Hollidaysburg, The Chapel at Crosspoint, Pennwood Bible Church, Valley Grace Brethren Church, First Grace Brethren Church of Altoona

We hope you all know how much good you've done this past school year!  We're so thankful to God for working through you to help these kids!

(If we've missed anyone, please let us know!)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Influenza of the Heart

    I think my heart's caught a flu.  It's honestly nice just to know I've still got a heart. I was getting worried toward the end of the semester that it had just become one big callous.  It just gets so hard that you've got to keep your skin tough to keep out the bad.  A kid says something really cutting to me.  Meh.  Part of my job. I hear an abuse story.  Part of my job.  A baby dies.  Part of my job.  I'm pleading self-defense here.

     But the good seems to get shut out with the bad and can't get through either.  Edison holds my hand for the first time.  Part of my job.  Nicole presses my cheeks between her hands and kisses them.  Part of my job.  Paola is crying because she misses her mom so bad and I make her a cup of tea.  Part of my job.  Two little girls and I break out in dance to "Jungle Boogie," and they look the happiest I've seen them all week, and I can see in their eyes that they finally trust me - love me.  Finally.  After a year with them.  And I'm leaving them in a year.  And I can't think about it.  Oh God, I can't think about it.  So... meh.  Part of my job.

     And then, as soon as my heart has a little room to breathe... some time away... it all just comes flooding out, triggered at any time by the tiniest of things: seeing a mom chasing her toddler or catching "A Series of Unfortunate Events" on TV.  Or coming across baby pictures of Nicole in the orphanage, and realizing she *grew up* there, without a mommy to mark her height on the wall, to take pictures of her 4th birthday, to hold her on her lap for five minutes when she has a bad day at school.

     I wouldn't trade them for the world - these kids, all the things they've taught me, all the ways I've grown.  But buddy! It's hard stuff!  And I think I'm going to bunker down for day and make *myself* a cup of tea.

Saturday, July 06, 2013


I can't watch videos or look at photos anymore of the children of friends and family without noting the stark comparison between the love lavished on their kids, and the shocking deficit of love experienced by our students.

Think about the million little things you do for, say to, or think of your kids every day.  There is NO ONE doing that for our students on a consistent, parental, never-failing-always-there-unconditional-love basis.

Friday, July 05, 2013

A Nasty Fall

    I took a nasty spill down the unfinished, concrete stairs at school, and look who came to my rescue!  Third-grade English Class!  They were SO enamored of the blood and gore!  

    My heroes!


Cristofer giving you the thumbs-up!

    Phew!  Classes are done!  And a certain two teachers you know and love are feelin' pretty done too!  We still have two weeks of in-service, but at least things are a leeeetle more laid-back.

    And now that I'm not stressed to the max, I feel like I can really appreciate moments like these.  I actually got to sit and just chat with kids for about a half an hour yesterday between tasks.  And the day before, I got to sit and paint nails with some of the older girls - fun time that I almost never get to indulge in, and, by the way, one of the reasons we decided to STAY THROUGH THE SUMMER.

    That's right.  The decision has been made, and we will be staying here in Shell.  We're hoping this will help round out the "fun side" of our relationship with the kids a bit, as well as save us some cash and buy us some time on policy-writing for the upcoming school year.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Possible change in plans... thoughts?

Hey everyone, pray for us, and also feel free to give your opinion. 

We're *considering* NOT going home for the summer and trying to do all our fundraising online, so that we could spend more down time with the kids in the summer, provide more consistency of relationships for them, and work on school policies for next year.

This would be a challenge as fundraising is MUCH easier face to face, BUT it would be more in line with our ultimate goals here, and it would be more financially practical, assuming we can still raise the funds we need for this year. 


Losing Everything, Gaining All

I was listening to a sermon by Tim Keller today on self-control, and this true story really hit hard.

The sermon is available here, if you'd like to purchase and download it.  I highly recommend it.  It's worth every penny.  And Tim Keller has many, many free sermons available as well.  I haven't listened to a one yet during which I didn't want to throw my computer across the room because it stung so bad.

“I remember some years ago there was somebody I knew who was a man, who was a professing Christian, and who also was very respected, very well-known, very admired, very acclaimed because he was so competent and so skillful at all he did.  But there was actually a secret addiction in his life.  And because of that secret addiction in his life, when it finally came out, he lost everything.  When it was made public, he lost everything.  He lost his job.  He lost everything. 
And when I talked to him, it was actually some time after this, and he was starting to rebuild his life.  And he was poised.  There was a peace about him, and he actually found that he had licked all those areas in which he had lacked self-control.  And I remember he said this to me, and it has haunted me.
He said, ‘You know I’m a professing Christian, and I always said, what matters the most is what Jesus thinks of me.  But that’s not how my heart really operated.  My heart operated on two functional principals.  And those two principals were this.  1)  That by my competence and my hard work, I could control what people thought of me. And 2) What people thought of me was all that mattered.’  He said, ‘I said what mattered to me was that Jesus valued me, but my heart was saying that what really matters is that people value you and you can control that by your incredible performance.’
And it was as a result of that that he actually got into the addictions to keep himself going.  But when it all fell apart, he said, ‘You know what?  Not too many people, but some people, have been in my shoes, and that is… I finally arrived at a place where nobody loved me, nobody respected me, nobody valued me, nobody admired me, nobody – not even me, not my wife, not my kids, once they realized what a hypocrite I was.  No one but Jesus.  And when you get to the place that the only person in the universe that values you is Jesus, then finally, finally, you start to build your life on that.

‘I just couldn’t seem to do it until I lost everybody else’s admiration, but Christ’s.  And I knew that God loves me in Christ, and it was the one thing I could build my life on.  And as a result, when I started to build my life on that, and not care what anybody thought, and not care about anything but that, I lost all my need – to do all those awful things.  I lost all my need to control what people thought of me.  I lost all my anxiety.  I lost all my addictions.  I lost all my driven-ness.  I lost them.’”